Wednesday, September 29, 2010

2 Healthy Eating Diet Plan Books You Should Know About

If I had to recommend 2 healthy eating books I would immediately think of the 2 plans I will review in this article: the Diet Solution Program by Isabel De Los Rios and the Fat Burning Kitchen guide by Mike Geary and Catherine Ebeling.

Both of these guides are eye opening nutrition manuals which expose many myths regarding the food we're used to eat. You see, many of the food we believe is healthy and lean can, in fact, make you fat and unhealthy. We're constantly bombarded with promotional messages by food manufacturers, filled with baffling data which is often false and portrays fattening food as good.

This is why so many people who look after what they eat still don't lose weight. They eat what they "think" is good for them, not what really is good. Reading either of these 2 books on healthy eating will help you avoid this mistake.

The Diet Solution Program begins by helping you figure out your metabolic type. Each of us has a different body and our own metabolism. This changes what we should eat if we want to be healthy and lose fat. This is the main claim of Isabel De Los Rios, an expert nutritionist and the author of this ebook.
The book helps you figure out how to create your own eating plan to achieve the best results and to improve your health. It is an extensive manual which can really help you change your life and health.

Fat Burning Kitchen is an ebook which helps you makes healthier eating choices by doing 2 things:
Showing you which foods you need to throw away from your kitchen to make sure you're not packing on the fat. Prepare for some surprises here as some well known "health" foods are exposed for what they really are in this book. Helping you stock your kitchen with healthy food items to get you to boost your body's internal fat burning processes.

I believe Fat Burning Kitchen is a true eye opener because it shows the truth about many common foods and helps you make healthier choices.

Both of these ebooks are excellent. I have learned a lot from them on what it takes to really eat a healthy diet which helps you burn fat faster and improve your health.
Visit Diet Solution Program to discover what this program is really about.

Go to this website to see some of the food items which you should cut out from your diet immediately to lose fat.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Healthy Diet - Healthy Eating Guidelines That Everybody Ought to Know

Healthy eating plays big part in a healthy diet program. Indeed, you need to cut your calorie intake in order to lose weight, but just reduce your calorie intake without proper meal plans would be foolish and can be considered as fad diet. A healthy diet will include healthy eating in its program so you can lose weight AND STAY HEALTHY at the same time. When you are in a diet, you will cut your meal portion, so pay attention to the foods you eat throughout the day and make sure that it contains enough nutrients for your body. Make sure you remember these healthy eating guidelines when you planning your meals during a diet:

1. Eat enough calories
Adjust your calorie intake with your activities throughout the day. During a diet, you may have less than recommended 2,000 calories but DO NOT takes less than 1,200 calories. It is highly not recommended to cut that much calories unless you are under doctor supervision.

2. Eat balanced diet
Although you are on a diet, do not ban any food groups from your meal plans. Instead, balance what you eat everyday with a variety of food from various food groups in the right proportion.

3. Focus on starchy foods
In a healthy diet, this food group should make up about a third of your daily meals since it contains starchy carbohydrates that are your body's main source of energy. A few examples of this food group are bread, rice, potatoes, and pasta. Choose wholegrain foods since it contain more fiber and nutrients than refined foods.

4. Keep adequate meal portions
If you are on a diet, your program should have suggested reducing meal portions, but it might be harder when you're eating out. If you are eating out, just stick to the regular portion no matter how much they discount or promote their super size packet.

5. Control your milk and dairy foods intake
Milk and dairy foods have high saturated fat content, so it is not advisable to consume them in large quantities. However, they are good calcium source which is important for bone and teeth. Consume them in moderate quantities and choose the low fat version.

6. Increase your fruit and vegetables intake
This one has been widely known since we were still kids and today we still haven't eaten enough every day. Five portions of fruit and vegetables each day is highly recommended since they contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals which are good for you. You can mix it in your meals or eat it as a snack. Fruit juice, strawberry or banana in your cereal, and salad are some ways to vary it.

7. Make sure to includes meat, fish, eggs, and beans in your meal plans
This food group is major protein source, which is needed for growth and repairs. Be careful for red meat since it contains high level of saturated fats.

8. Limit saturated fat, trans fat, and sugar
A healthy diet must still includes fat in it meal plans, but avoid saturated and trans fat as much as possible since these two type of fats are associated with many chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. It should also avoid too much sugary foods since it will make your weight management difficult. The solution to these two problems is learning to be a smart food label reader. Just make sure you noticed when the manufacturer uses other words to describe added sugar such as glucose, maltose, corn syrup, etc.

9. Limit salt consumption
Limiting sugar and salt probably will be harder than limiting anything else since these two are added to almost all foods and snacks we eat everyday. While too much sugar will make you have difficulties in weight control, too much salt will raise your blood pressure, thus make you vulnerable to heart disease. Being a smart food label reader is also the solution to this problem.

10. Don't apply military discipline to your diet
Being in a diet doesn't mean that you can't eat your favorite foods or snacks that contain high saturated fat, sugar, or salt. Put too strict restriction in your diet will make you depressed and more likely to drop the program halfway. Occasionally, it is okay to have them as long as you keep it at low portion.
All the points in these healthy eating guidelines should be fulfilled in your diet since it is necessary to keep you healthy in your weight loss process. Remember that a healthy diet does not contain only healthy eating plans, but also a good portion of regular exercises.
Currently working in food industry, Stefan Vincent don't believe in "1 diet program works for all" and always trying to search and share various methods which can be used to deal with various obesity and overweight cases. Diets That Work is where he share all his findings, including his top weight loss program list.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Relax Your Way to Thin! Hypnosis Weight Loss Motivation

Relax Your Way to Thin!  Hypnosis Weight Loss MotivationHypnosis Weight Loss. Fast - Easy - Effective!
Imagine craving salad instead of chocolate or an apple instead of ice cream simply by listening to this Hypnosis Weight Loss CD as you drift to sleep each night!
Weight loss can be that easy!
Your impulse to eat unhealthy food originates in your subconscious. This weight loss hypnosis CD stops these unwanted cravings at their source. When your subconscious mind supports your weight loss goals, you will naturally make healthier choices.
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Why is "Relax Your Way to Thin!" so effective?
By creating direct access to the most powerful part of the mind, the subconscious, you can teach your subconscious mind to automatically act in the ways that best suit your goals, rather than relying on poor habits that you've built up over the years.
When you align what you consciously desire with your subconscious motivations...your possibilities are endless!
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Truth About Abs

The truth about abs.
Check it out!

Ultimate Weight Loss Revealed!

New Weight Loss Program Shows How Anyone Can Lose Weight With This Proven Plan.

Check it out!

Wii Fit Secrets - Unlock the Hidden Power of Wii Fit

Wii Fit is Hot, and now you can tap into that niche with the only guide for it. The guide provides details on each exercise, hints, cheats, and workout routine.

Check it out!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Holistic Approach to Weight loss & Fitness

World Health Organization has observed that obesity has now reached epidemic proportions globally. More number of people are dying due to obesity and resultant disease. Weight loss and fitness is not just an issue of shedding a few pounds and pumping up the muscles temporarily and losing it all the moment we stop whatever program we are in. It is a total lifestyle change involving the body, mind and spirit.

The systemic approach of the modern science has spawned the huge sickness industry which while bringing relief from much complex disease does not address the fundamentals of wellness which is prevention. The progress of medical science does bring relief from pain and to some extent healing which is however a natural mechanism of the body aided by medicine. Given sufficient time and proper nourishment the body is able to address the problem and heal by itself.

The basis of all ayurvedic and natural therapies of ancient times were based on the simple principle of assisting and providing the body with natural and organic nutrients to stimulate the biological mechanism towards total healing instead of just addressing the symptoms. The role of various herbs especially herbs like Ganoderma rich in anti oxidants and over 200 components with healing properties cannot be over emphasized.

The ancient system is an integrated system to create wholeness in body, mind and spirit. One without addressing the other aspects could only address part of the problem. This is true of the modern medical system which addresses the physiology and not the mind and the spirit. A complete human being is an amalgam of all three and not just a physical mass.

Recent research has conclusively established the role of mind and the spirit in all healing process. The science of Yoga and Meditation now plays a crucial role in all therapies which involves creating wellness as opposed to treating sickness.

All who are interested in weight loss, fitness, anti ageing and general good health must address the following questions:

What are my health goals? Is it treating sickness or working towards wellness?

Do I require all these unhealthy fast foods and snacks which give immediate gratification but long term pain?

Am I in rhythm with nature which is doing simple things like early to bed and early to rise, less automation and more physical work and activities, relaxing when the body sends out signals of stress and tiredness, maintaining cleanliness and avoiding all modern mores which prevents the body from recouping and rebuilding?

Do we want our children to be brought up as couch potatoes leading moronic and violent lives and growing into mentally and physically unhealthy adults creating an unbalanced society?

If the answer to all these questions is a big NO then we must begin the process now or it would be too late for all of us and the global society which is mindlessly adding up junk in every aspect in the name of growth and progress.

We must begin a process of a total lifestyle change which is natural, holistic and healthy.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Eating healthy blog 101

Nowadays staying healthy and working out is not an easy thing to do. There are so many temptations out there that makes a person lose focus easily. It takes dedication and commitment to achieve your personal healthy goal. It is an ongoing process. It is not going to happen overnight. A daily or weekly routine is needed depending on your body and the weight you want to lose. If you are building muscles and strengthening certain parts of your body; you will need to eat from all the healthy food groups.